Prepaid Card

Subscribing to testbag.com shall entitle subscriber access to subjects and model tests. You can subscribe for a subject or number of subjects. As a goodwill gesture on launch of the site, testbag is allowing access to all subjects and model tests through a single subscription. This offer will be valid for coming few months. Kindly select 'All Testbag Subjects' instead of Individual subjects. You can access any available subject of your choice.

Before subscribing kindly browse the site to know the availability of subject / topic / subtopic of your choice go through terms and conditions for individual subscriber (Please do not subscribe if subjects / topics of your choice are not available or you do not agree with terms and conditions). Please also go through Details About Subscription before subscribing to understand how to subscribe, mode of payment and how it works.

Subscriber can purchase a prepaid subscription card and activate the same on the testbag.com online. Buy clicking the link to activate the prepaid card.


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